
Swanlake Inn

SA70 8QE
Emailmoc.liamg@nniekalnawseht Telephone(01834) 871262
Real AleReal FireFamily FriendlyGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsSeparate BarGamesRestaurantFunction RoomSports TVWiFiLive Music
Opening times: Mon–Thu closed; Fri and Sat 19:00-23:00; Sun closed
Regular beers: Gower Gold, Wychwood Hobgoblin IPA

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

The Swan Lake Inn was originally a single-storey 3-unit cottage. A traditional 16th century inn which is Grade II listed. Three main bar areas. Some of the walls are still wattle and daub as seen in the bread oven by the open fire. An unusual air-duct runs from near the bar to the chimney, and is said to assist the fire to draw. A small panel of reeds, used as a base for plastering, has been uncovered for display. Historic Wales list ID: 5973

May close early in week if quiet - phone to check if contemplating a late evening visit.

After a period closed, the pub is currently opening only two evenings a week: Friday and Saturday.