Local Brewery Links
For more information on local breweries click on a link below.
There are seven breweries within the branch area (and one close enough to include):
Core of the Poodle: http://www.coreofthepoodle.com
Bluestone Brewing Company: http://www.bluestonebrewing.co.uk/
Gwaun Valley Brewery: https://www.gwaunvalleybrewery.com/
St David's Old Farmhouse Brewery: https://www.oldfarmhousebrewery.co.uk/
Tenby Brewing Co.: https://www.tenbybrewingco.com/
Tenby Harbour Brewery: https://harbwr.wales/
Victoria Inn Brewhouse: https://www.thevictoriainnroch.com/
Mantle Brewery in Cardigan : http://www.mantlebrewery.com/ (Just over the border but close enough to include)